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Comment: Updated python and wolfram examples



DRAFT SPEC |Services are in active development and are subject to change Services not yet live

The Charity Engine Smart Proxy Post Processing (SP3) interface allows web data that is collected via Smart Proxy scripts to be processed by any application or execution environment available on or supported by the Charity Engine network. This processing takes place on the same node that collects the data.


To submit data for local processing on the proxy node, include reference the autoloaded "charityengine" module in a Node.js smart proxy script, and call the desired processing function . See the Charity Engine Application Library for details on the specific functionality of applications or execution environments(*see Section 2 below for definitions of specific functions).

Processing functions return a Promise object, which resolves with the response from the model or application. By using await, this response can then be used as appropriate within the Smart Proxy script and can be included in the crawl output.

For example, to generate embeddings for text collected  collected using the Llama3.2 model:

Code Block
charityengine.embeddings('llama3.2:3b', 'What is the weather')
  .then(response => console.log('Embedding response:', response))
  .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));textCollectedFromCrawl);

To run a Docker container to calculate a mathematical sum using a custom script named "calc-sum.js"To generate a chi-squared distribution with v degrees of freedom using Wolfram Engine:

Code Block
  .then(response => console.log('Response:', response))
  .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));node:slim', 'node /local/input/calc-sum.js 1 2 3 4.2', 'calc-sum.js');

To include multiple outputs, the responses from crawls and functions can be included in an object and returned from the Smart Proxy script, as the return value defines the job output.

Processing Functions

A variety of post-processing functions are available based on applications that are compatible with the Charity Engine network. 


Docker Applications

Any image that can be pulled from Docker Hub, or that is publicly accessible on the web, can be used for post-processing by calling the docker() function (*subject to specs of instance types used):

Code Block
charityengine.docker(image, commandline, inputfile)
  image // Name URL or Docker Hub name of the Docker image to run [string] [required]
  commandline // Command to execute within the container [string] [required]
  inputfile // Names of local files to use as input [array of string]


Execution Environments

The default execution environment is Node.js, per Section 1 above, "General Usage". For running source code or scripts in other interpreted languages, just download the execution environment of your choice from Docker Hub, following the instructions in Section 2.1 above. For example:

Code Block
charityengine.docker("python:slim", "python /local/input/", [""])

Charity Engine Application Library

Functions are also available for built-in applications that have been deployed to the Charity Engine network.

Note that some of these functions make use of proprietary software, which could incur additional runtime charges.


Run LLM inference on a string

Code Block
charityengine.vina(commandline, inputfileinference(model, prompt, assets, context, system, template, options)
  commandlinemodel // Name Commandof linethe formodel theto applicationuse [string] [required]
  inputfileprompt // NamesText ofto localpass filesto tothe usemodel as input [string] [required]
  assets // Images or files [array of string]


Code Block
charityengine.blastp(commandline, inputfile)
  commandlinecontext // CommandAdditional linecontext for the applicationmodel [string] [required]
  inputfilesystem // NamesSystem ofparameters localfor files to use as input [array of string]


Code Block
charityengine.wolframengine(commandline, inputfile)
PARAMETERSthe model [string]
  commandlinetemplate // CommandTemplate to executeguide withinresponse the applicationformat [string] [required]
  inputfileoptions // NamesAdditional ofoptions localfor files to use as input [array of string]


the request [object]


Generate a vector embedding for a string

Code Block
charityengine.inferenceembeddings(model, prompt, assets, context, system, template, options)
  model // Name of the model to use [string] [required]
  prompt // Text to pass to the model as input [string] [required]


Run Wolfram Language Code

Code Block
charityengine.wolframengine(commandline, inputfile)
  assetscommandline // ImagesCommand to orexecute fileswithin [arraythe ofapplication [string] [required]
  contextinputfile // Names of local files to use as input [array of string]

For example, to generate a chi-squared distribution with 22 degrees of freedom using Wolfram Engine:

Code Block


Run a protein-ligand binding simulation

Code Block
charityengine.vina(commandline, inputfile)
  commandline // Command line Additional context for the model [string]
  system // System parameters for the modelapplication [string] [required]
  templateinputfile // TemplateNames toof guidelocal responsefiles format [string]
  options // Additional options for the request [object]


to use as input [array of string]


Compare an amino acid sequence (protein sequence) against a protein sequence database

Code Block
charityengine.embeddingsblastp(modelcommandline, promptinputfile)
  modelcommandline // Command Nameline offor the modelapplication to use [string] [required]
  promptinputfile // TextNames of tolocal passfiles to the modeluse as input [string] [required]array of string]

See the Charity Engine Application Library for further details on the specific functionality of applications or execution environments.