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Comment: CLI usage formatting


Code Block
ce-cli [args]
--version // Show version number [boolean]
--app // Application name (e.g. "charityengine:wolframengine"), docker image from Docker Hub (e.g. "docker:image-name") or a custom docker image URL (e.g. "docker:image-name") [string] [required]
--auth // Authorization key [string] [required]
--batch // Arbitrary data that will be linked to a job and returned with results. Used to categorize jobs into batches, limited to 200 bytes [string]
--cache-inputs // Configures input file persistence. If enabled, input files may be cached on the compute node side for repeat computations. Should be disabled for dynamically changing data. Accepts strings "all" and "none", or a zero-indexed list of input files to cache (e.g. 0 2 would cache input files zero and two). [array] [default: "all"]
--checkpoint // Saves the state of running jobs and resumes them upon restart of the CLI. Prevents jobs with exactly identical parameters from running more than once, even after restarts of the CLI [boolean] [default: false]
--checkpointfile // Location and filename of the checkpoint file [string]
--commandline // Command line to execute. If using Docker images, command line should not include the command to execute Docker. It should be the command that will run inside the Docker container [string] [required]
--copies // Number of identical copies to execute [number] [default: 1]
--debug // Enables debug messages [boolean] [default: false]
--env // List of additional environment variables as key-value pairs to be passed to the job [array of string]
--eula // If running proprietary applications, marks whether end-user licence agreement of the application is accepted. Must be set to a string "accepted" for the jobs to be accepted into the system [string]
--exitafterstart // Exits the CLI after starting a job or checking job status. Useful to run multiple jobs in parallel without spiking up memory usage. Requires checkpointing to be enabled. After jobs are created, the CLI must be run again with the same parameters to retrieve results [boolean] [default: false]
--filechunksize // File part size to use when staging input files, in bytes [number] [default: 16384]
--hours // Maximum execution time allowed, in hours [number] [default: 1]
--inputfile // One or more input files as a local filename or an URL. If local files are specified, they will be staged to remote public URLs [array of string]
--instancetype // Sets the instance type to use for the job [string] [default: C.2x2]
--outputdir // Folder name to put output files to. If not specified, output files will be put to working dir. Wildcard %JOBKEY% will be replaced with the job ID [string]
--pollfrequency // RPC polling frequency in seconds [number] [default: 30]
--resubmit // Resubmits jobs if checkpointing is used and jobs are already completed [boolean] [default: false]
--result-storage // Location where output files should be stored. [string] [default: temporary]
  // Currently supports the following options:
  //  * temporary (free for up to two weeks)
  //  * estuary (Filecoin, requires an Estuary API key to be specified in the --result-storage-config option)
[string] [default: temporary]
--result-storage-config // Specifies any parameters that may be required when using non-default result storage destination [string]
--tag // Arbitrary data that will be linked to a job and returned with results. Limited to 1KB [string]
--useowndevices // Do not use the public network for job execution, but run on local devices instead. Useful for testing and debugging [default: false]
--help // Show help [boolean]
